Yukio Suzuki

Butoh Choreo Lab #4
Yukio Suzuki 鈴木ユキオ

Choreographed and Performed by Yukio Suzuki

Video Release Date Feb 05, 2022
Watch on Vimeo
*English and Vietnamese subtitles available.Turn on subtitles by clicking "CC" at the bottom of the video.

Yukio Suzuki is a dancer and choreographer. In 1997 he began studying butoh dance and later performed in works by Ko Murobushi and so on. And in 2000 he founded his own company "YUKIO SUZUKI Projects". The basic principle of his interpretation is not the technique, but the character of the dance language, for which he has been acclaimed even outside of his native Japan. He has been touring around over 40 cities in the world, and his pliant, delicate and tenacious movements have been enthralling the audience. Recently he has also been creating pieces for other dance companies and leads workshops.


トヨタコレオグラフィーアワードでは、‘05年にオーディエンス賞、‘08年に次代を担う振付家賞(グランプリ)を受賞。'12年フランス・パリ市立劇場「Danse Elargie」では10組のファイナリストに選ばれた。http://www.suzu3.com/

Producer/Director: Dai Matsuoka
Videographer: iromono lab
Photographer: Masabumi Kimura
Translation/PR: NPO Dance Archive Network
Web/Project Management: NPO LAND FES
Supported by Kanagawa Prefecture Cultural Affairs Division, Agency for Cultural Affairs, The Japan Foundation Center for Cultural Exchange in Vietnam

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