Natsu Nakajima

Butoh Choreo Lab #5
Natsu Nakajima 中嶋夏

Choreographed and Performed by Natsu Nakajima

Video Release Date Oct 25, 2022
Watch on Vimeo
*English, Vietnamese and Japanese subtitles available. Turn on subtitles by clicking "CC" at the bottom of the video.

Natsu Nakajima (b. 1943 Sakhalin) has been one of the most prominent figures in Butoh dance since its foundation in Tokyo in the 1960s, and one of its foremost pioneers abroad. Training under both Hijikata Tatsumi and Kazuo Ohno, Nakajima went on to establish her own dance company, Muteki-sha, in 1969, with whom she has been performing and choreographing internationally since the early 1980s. Her highly acclaimed performance of at LIFT ‘83 (London) marked the beginning of this international touring career, and led to performances at festivals such as FIND (Montreal), the Nancy Festival, and the Sydney Biennale. In addition to her performance and choreographic work, Nakajima has over 50 years of experience as a teacher, and has been one of the forerunners of dance for the disabled in Japan. She has also won prizes for her choreographic work in Mexico and Canada, including first prize at the Canada Dance Festival for her choreography of Ghost Stories in 1990. In addition to her performance and choreographic work, she got the award by New York Butoh Institute.


大野一雄、土方巽に師事。暗黒舞踏創立に関わる。1969年舞踏集団<霧笛舎>設立。1983年ロンドン国際演劇祭を皮切りに、現在まで多数の国際舞台に招待参加。またニューヨーク市立大学を始めとして各国の舞踊研究所にて舞踏教授、振付、演出家として活動。1990年カナダ、モントリオール舞踊団<幽霊>振付で、カナダ・フェスティバル振付第1位、1991年全米パフォーマンス見本市年間特別アーチスト賞受賞、2009年メキシコ国立劇場依頼による演劇<テンペスト>演出、年間ベスト10入賞。1992年より知的障害者のダンス教育に関わる。2021年、New York Butoh Institute より<Life Time Achievement Award 生涯舞踏活動賞>受賞。

Producer/Director: Dai Matsuoka
Videographer: iromono lab
Photographer: Masabumi Kimura
Translation: NPO Dance Archive Network
Web/Project Management: NPO LAND FES
Supported by Kanagawa Prefecture Cultural Affairs Division, Agency for Cultural Affairs, The Japan Foundation Center for Cultural Exchange in Vietnam

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